As you seek to extend your stay in Italy, securing a renewal for your permit of stay is a crucial step in ensuring a seamless continuation of your time in the country. This comprehensive guide offers detailed insights and practical information to facilitate a smooth renewal process for all non-EU citizens who are required to request a permit of stay, known as Permesso di Soggiorno.
Securing a Student Visa in Italy
Preparing to study in Italy involves the renewal application cannot be submitted online. All required documentation and applications must be presented in person, however, you can check the status of your case online after applying.

Deadline for the Permit of Stay Renewal in Italy
For individuals from non-EU countries, the renewal of the residence permit becomes imperative at least 60 days before its expiration.
Where to Renew Your Permit of Stay
To facilitate the renewal process, applications and renewal requests are also processed by the Poste Italiane Post Offices, where you can request the ‘Kit Giallo‘ (Yellow Kit) for free. However, specific categories of permits require direct application at the Immigration Office at the local Police Headquarters (Questura).
Cases eligible for renewal at the post office:
- guardianship (renewal);
- updating EU Long Term Residence Permit (the former Carta Di Soggiorno);
- change of address, marital status, addition/removal of children, change of passport;
- pending employment;
- pending reacquisition of citizenship;
- political asylum (updates and renewal);
- EC Long Term Residence Permit (the former Carta Di Soggiorno)
- converting of a Residence Permit;
- duplication of Residence Permit/EU Long Term Residence Permit;
- family;
- family minor (14-18 years);
- if you’re employed or self-employed;
- special cases (as listed in art. 27 of the Immigration Legislation);
- subordinate seasonal employment;
- missionary work;
- religious reasons;
- elective residency;
- scientific research;
- stateless status (renewal);
- study, apprenticeship, professional training.
Cases requiring renewal at the Questura:
- Medical treatment;
- Sporting event;
- Working holiday;
- Subsidiary protection;
- Asylum application (issue and renewal);
- Political Asylum (initial application)
- Humanitarian reasons (issue and renewal);
- Aiding minors;
- Judicial reasons;
- Application for stateless status (renewal);
- Integration of a minor;
- Guardianship (initial application);
- Residence permit for family members of EU citizens.

How to Fill Out the Yellow Kit
The application kit should be presented at the Help Desk (Sportello Amico) at Poste Italiane, enclosed in an open envelope. You’ll then receive a legally-valid receipt which includes a code for tracking the application’s progress on the website, along with the appointment date at the Police Headquarters (Questura).
The required documents for the application and the subsequent appointment at the Questura vary based on the type of residence permit and are detailed in the application kit or on the website
Typically, these include:
- Modulo 1 (Form 1) found in the Yellow Kit for NON-EU citizens, available for free at the Post Office, which must state your current home address in Italy.
- Copy of your most recent permit of stay.
- Photocopy of your passport (personal data page + Visa page only) or an equivalent document (you’ll need to show the original when submitting the application at the Post Office).
- An Italian duty stamp (Marca da Bollo), available at any Tabacchi shop, which needs to be glued to Form 1 of the permit of stay application.
- Payment receipt for the Electronic Permit of Stay, which you can pay for at the Post Office (payment form included in the Yellow Kit).
- Payment receipt of the Processing Fee, which you can pay for at the Post Office upon submitting the application.
After presenting these documents at the Post Office, you’ll receive two essential items:
- A ricevuta (mod.22A, certified letter receipt) containing the user ID and password required to track the permit of stay application status at (click on Area Riservata Stranieri at the bottom right of the page). You’ll need to always bring this with you until you receive your permit.
- A letter detailing the date and time of your appointment at the Police Headquarters for your interview. Ensure you attend the Immigration office on the specified date and time mentioned in the postal receipt. Should the Post Office fail to provide this letter, it will be later sent as certified mail, called raccomandata, to your address in Italy. If you don’t receive the letter by mail, monitor your permit of stay application status at Access this website using the user ID and password found on your Post Office receipt (ricevuta). The appointment can be postponed if necessary, but you will have to go in person to the local police station to request so.
How Much Does an Italian Residence Permit Cost?
This varies depending on your status and the duration of your renewal, so here’s a comprehensive list:
- €30.46: Minors under 14 years old
- €30.46: Update of a parent’s permit (two different bollettini are required in this case, but only one kit is needed to send the application)
- €30.46: 14 > 18 years old minors
- €70.46: Residence permit for 3 months >1 year
- €80.46: Residence permit for 1 year >2 years
- €130.46: EU residence permit for long-term residents, managers, and highly qualified personnel (Module D of Article 27 only); Intra-corporate transfers (ITC)
- €30.46: Duplicate, update, and conversion of the residence permit
Additionally, a €16 duty stamp is required, and if you submit the application through the Post Office you’ll also have to pay a €30 processing fee.
No payment is required for:
- Foreign nationals and their caregivers entering Italy for medical treatment
- Applicants seeking residency for asylum, subsidiary protection, or humanitarian reasons
- Applicants for the conversion/update of an unexpired residence permit
Any additional charges will be assessed during the subsequent appointment at the Immigration Office at the Questura.
An important note: everything must be paid for in cash, so make sure you have the correct amount with you when you need to.

Interview with the police at the Questura
For this appointment, ensure you bring originals and photocopies of all required documents:
- Passport or equivalent document
- Expiring permit of stay plus photocopy (front side only)
- 2 identical passport-size photos
- Payment receipt for the €70.46 paid at the Post Office
Usually, after about a month, you’ll be able to get your permit. You can check the status of your application here:
Collecting the permit
After completing the necessary legal checks and activating the electronic residence permit, the Immigration Office at the Questura contacts the applicant to retrieve the permit, which is now a plastic card with a microchip containing all biometric details, information, and online authentications.
An SMS text will let you know when you can go to the Questura to retrieve it. The message is sent to the phone number provided during the application submission.
Make sure you bring along the following documents:
- Your passport
- The receipts for your permit application
- Your expiring or expired residence permit (original)
What to Do in Case Your Permit was Lost or Stolen
If your residence permit is lost or stolen, promptly report the incident to the police.
To obtain a replacement, complete the necessary forms available at your local Post Office.
Include the following documents with your duplicate application:
- a copy of your passport
- a police statement confirming the loss or theft
- €16 duty stamp
A new residence permit will be issued, which will require a new appointment at the Questura.
The average processing time for reissue is 60 days.
In summary, this blog article has covered essential aspects of renewing your permit of stay in Italy, offering insights into the application process, required documentation, and key considerations. If you’re an expat navigating the complexities of expat living in Italy, don’t let bureaucracy be a challenge – get in touch for professional assistance.
Are you interested with this subject? Check our related articles from here, Italy Student Visa: Your FAQs Answered, Path to residency: Italy’s permit of stay requirements, Living (and Paying Taxes) in Italy with a Green Card.