Italian flat tax 7%

Italy 7% flat tax for pensioners

Since 2019 has introduced a new tax treatment for pensioners, adopting art. 24-ter in our Italian income tax code. Basically, a pensioner who has not been resident of Italy in the 5 years prior moving here can claim a flat 7% taxation on ALL of the foreign income sources, not just the foreign pension received. The 7% flat tax applies to all your foreign income sources including:

  1. Pension income
  2. Interest income
  3. dividends
  4. rental income
  5. Royalties
  6. Capital gains
  7. severance payments
  8. miscellaneous income

There is no income cap on the income attracted to the 7% flat tax, making it very attractive to new pensioners wishing to move to Italy without spending a fortune on taxes.
This regime lasts up to 10 years, and you can drop off at any time prior the end of the period.

Our webpage here provides more details about this tax regime, however let’s recap them in this post.

7% Flat tax requirements

In order to qualify for the 7% flat tax regime for pensioners you must receive a private or public pension, it doesn’t matter whether you are a citizen of Italy or not, but you must receive a Foreign sourced pension.

You should not have been a resident of Italy in the last 5 tax years prior moving to Italy. This means that you may have been a tax resident of Italy 5 years ago or more and still qualify.

Finally, you must settle into a qualifying municipality. Note that you cannot benefit of this favourable tax treatment if you move to Italy in a non qualifying municipality, and then move into a qualifying one!
Which are the qualifying municipalities for the 7% flat tax for pensioners in Italy?

7% Flat tax qualifying municipalities

In order to qualify for the 7% flat tax for pensioners you must relocate to a qualifying municipality as per the paragraph 1 of the art. 24-ter. According to it, any municipality with 20,000 inhabitants or less located in any of the following regions qualify:

  • Abruzzo
  • Apulia
  • Basilicata
  • Calabria
  • Campania
  • Molise
  • Sardinia
  • Sicily

On top of that, any municipality with 3,000 inhabitants or less as per the annexes 1, 2 e 2-bis of D.L. 17 ottobre 2016, n. 189. Such municipalities are located in Umbria, Lazio, and Le Marche and were struck by major earthquakes during 2016, and the legislator attempted to boost repopulation of such areas by providing tax incentives to new residents.

Note that the number of inhabitants is set at January 1st of any given year, therefore if you move into a qualifying municipality which then increases its inhabitants, you are not disqualified from the 7% tax regime.

Which are the new qualifying municipalities for the 7% flat tax?

The art. 6-ter Law 28 marzo 2022, n. 25 has amended the qualifying municipalities in Umbria, Lazio, and Le Marche lifting the 3,000 inhabitants constraint, allowing then ANY of the municipalities included in the above mentioned annexes to be a qualifying municipality for the 7% flat tax pensioners regime. Here below I attached a Table showing all the qualifying municipalities.

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Any help with your application and tax strategy? Get in touch.

145 thoughts on “Italy 7% flat tax for pensioners”

  1. Bryony Bethell

    Hello i had been looking at moving to Spoleto under the flat tax scheme but I understand from the tax office there that despite the decree of March 2022 you mention, lifting the population limit on the communes in the previous annex ( including Spoleto) it no longer qualifies. What is your interpretation please?

  2. The qualifying municipalities in Umbria, Lazio, and Le Marche are not listed. Can you tell me how to get them or attach a list for me by return email?

    Thank You

    Terry Iverson

          1. We are pensioners who have UK pensions and became Italian residents in October 2018. Do we qualify for the 7% Italian tax rate

      1. Hello Nicolo Bolla,
        Could you please send me the list of properties in the 7% tax Regime for the following towns for 2024. I’ve been looking for properties, but want to stay with the 7% tax regime. In the future, I will book an appointment with you to discuss my tax situation as I have applied for Italian citizenship, but my will not be a citizen.
        The areas I am interested in are listed below:
        Umbria, Lazio, and Le Marche, and Abruzzo (or any near Spoleto?)


  3. Vincent Gardina

    I will have Dual US/Italian citizenship by December. I want to move to Italy and establish residency in Abbruzzo. I’m retired and receive a US local government pension, social security and have an IRA. Am I eligible for the 7% flat tax on all three pensions. If a dual citizen do I pay US taxes?

      1. Stefanie Cesaritti

        Hello – which towns in Lazio offer the 7% tax and how goes this apply if you are a resident in Italy for only part of the year? Would you file in the country where you reside the most?

          1. Le pensioni pagate delle Organizzazioni Internazionali di cui l’Italia è un paese membro, possono beneficiare di questo schema? La mia pensione è pagata in Sterline da un’organizzazione Internazionale basata in UK e io sto valutando la possibilità di rientrare in Italia dopo 25 anni di residenza all’estero.

          2. Hi there my husband and I are retiring next year and would love to retire in Bolsena Italy, however it’s not listed as one of the 7 percent tax break area for expats. I’m British but have an American social security check each month, my husband is American. Can you please advise if we qualify to live in the Lazio region.

          3. If I move to 7% town where do I go to get approved for the flat rate? If I have my pension all in 401k and only withdraw what I need does this qualify?

      2. My understanding is Italy does not have a double tax, so if as a dual US/Italian citizen I pay taxes on my US pension and Social Security in the US I do not pay an additional income tax in Italy. Am I mistaken?

          1. Jeanine Rodriguez

            You mean as a dual citizen receiving an American pension and social security, I can just file a US tax return and not pay (what is much higher) income tax in Italy?

    1. I’m in the same situation and have the same question. I always heard that you have to give up US citizenship to be released from federal US taxes. Please post if you find out differently. Thanks!

  4. I am interested in finding a 7% income tax-qualifying town/municipio’s in Le Marche as a place to retire. Can you send me a list?
    Best regards
    Dr P Ciancanelli

  5. I am thinking to take advantage of the 7% tax rate by moving to a small town in Campania and becoming a tax resident of Italy. I have a US government pension that qualifies me for this — which I understand is not taxed by Italy (but will continue to be taxed by the US.)
    I also will have 36,000/year rental income from a home I own in US– will be taxed by Italy and US. Also some capital gains from US-held IRA disbursements — will be taxed by Italy and US.
    But my question is: since I assume I cannot be taxed twice for this income because of the bilateral tax treaty, and I can apply the foreign tax credit, is the increase in my tax burden by moving to Italy effectively 0? And if that’s true, wouldn’t it also be true for higher tax brackets? So what is the benefit/incentive to a US citizen like me of the 7% scheme? I presume I am missing something here. Is it wealth taxes? Thanks!

    1. Basically you can claim the 7% tax paid to Italy in your US form 1116 thus reducing any tax due in the US. As an American you will not be worse off on your tax bill

  6. Hello.
    I’m a US citizen who is considering moving to Italy for retirement. Am I entitled to claim 7% on my US social security and IRA income if I settle in Puglia in a large town like Bari, Brindisi or Lecce? Or does the 7% is applicable to retired residents in only certain small towns specially designated?

    1. Bari, Brindisi or Lecce do not qualify because the municipality must have a population of 20,000 inhabitants or less

  7. Hi, my computer does not show the list of qualifying municipalities in Le Marche. Can you send me the list? Grazie!!

      1. Hello,
        Would like to see the list of qualifying municipalities please. Thanks very much.

        Maria Tulipani

          1. Hi !! Can you please send me an email with the list of 7% tax for retirees. We are looking in Umbria , in the region of Perugia, in the town of Castiglione Del Lago.
            Thank you !

  8. Hi there, my husband will have a US pension and we’d love to see the spreadsheet of Umbria/Le Marche/Lazio towns as well. I have cousins in Lazio south of Rome. Thank you so much for your helpful information shared here!

  9. Buongiorno!
    My husband and I are going to be retiring in Italy (we have our visas and will arrive in mid-November) and are desirous of making our permanent home in one of the qualifying regions (in a community of 20,000 or less, of course). My question: In our Visa application, we had to show that we had a lease all set up and pre-paid upon our arrival. For us, that apartment is located in Ostuni, Puglia (which is well over 20K) We were under the impression that we could initially rent anywhere in Italy upon arrival. Then, within a set time frame (?), we can search for our permanent home–which for us would be in a qualifying town in one of the 8 regions that offer the 7% flat tax rate. Am I correct? Or does the community/region that we first temporarily choose to live in upon arrival serve as the “permanent region” we have now inadvertently made? I will look forward to your reply. My thanks to you!

      1. We were told that the first year you are a tax-resident (and this is the case after you have been an official resident for more than 183 days anywhere in Italy) you have to live in a 7% region. Were we ill informed?

          1. Anouk Dresens Beintema

            Hi Nicolo, thank you for your reply. I am very sorry but we are a bit confused. We were told that the first time we are taxed we would have to live in a 7% region. Before your first taxation ( this is after you lived in Italy for more than 183 days) you can live anywhere you want in Italy.
            Kind regards, Anouk

          2. Dear Anouk,

            you need to move your residency directly to a 7% flat tax area to benefit of such scheme

          3. Anouk Dresens Beintema

            Could you please elaborate why both Spoleto and Rieti are on the list while both have more than 20.000 inhabitants.

            Many thanks, Anouk

          4. because they are included in the attachments 1, 2 e 2-bis al decreto-legge 17 ottobre 2016, n. 189

  10. Rob Hubert Dresens

    Since June 25 we are in Massa Martana . Per July 5th. 2022 as resident in the community, To my opinion we are no Fiscal residents in Italy due to the 183 days starting July 5yh.. Is this correct? Than we will move to Rieti and will use the 7% Flat tax over 2023 in 2024 is this correct ?