If you have a VAT number in your EU country and you want to sell to individuals (with no VAT number) in Italy, you are required to have a VAT number in Italy. Back in the days, you were required …
If you have a VAT number in your EU country and you want to sell to individuals (with no VAT number) in Italy, you are required to have a VAT number in Italy. Back in the days, you were required …
The European Council Directive 2000/65/EC allows the VAT direct registration for any European based trading company wishing to sell products or services in a foreign EU country to individuals and other private entities. This service is particularly useful for companies wishing to sell on e-commerce platforms …
Vat Direct registration for EU: why Italy may be your best option Read More »
VAT is a complex tax; this post tries to explain the VAT implication for you and your business. This post is not meant to be comprehensive of all the VAT legislation, and it does not consider any special tax regime. …
Don’t miss the date. File your taxes on time! Fiscal Year 2017 has been very turbulent as far as tax deadlines, more than once the government allowed extra time to file tax returns. The 2018 Budget law approved right before …
The Intrastat lists were introduced by article 50, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree no. 331/1993 following the abolition of customs barriers within the European Community. The Intrastat lists are a set of procedures designed to allow the Customs Agency to …
Ecco la procedura da seguire per l’emissione della fattura a un cliente estero. Ormai è ben risaputo come la fattura elettronica sia diventata obbligatoria da gennaio 2019 in tutte le regioni d’Italia. Ma quando ci troviamo a dover fatturare a …
Come emettere fattura a un cliente estero: tutto quello da sapere Read More »
Se sei proprietario di un fabbricato industriale, un albergo o un capannone (categoria catastale D) dovresti far controllare la tua rendita catastale. Puoi risparmiare fino al 60% dell’IMU che stai pagando, leggi l’intero articolo e scopri come. Cos’è la rendita catastale? La …
Come ridurre le cartelle Equitalia Nel 2017 hai ricevuto una cartella Equitalia o hai dei contenziosi col fisco in corso? Accounting Bolla ha aiutato con successo numerosi privati e imprese a rottamare le proprie pendenze col fisco e a stare …