Superbonus 110% | Restore your house for free in Italy | tax break in Italy | Ecobonus | Sismabonus | energy efficiency improvements | seismic improvements


DISCLAIMER of 2024: the actual Italian government has currently stopped this bonus, and this is not available anymore.

The Superbonus is a recent tax break introduced by the recent Decreto Rilancio increasing the tax credit percentage to 110% for qualifying expenditure paid between July 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021. The following expenditure qualifies:
  • Energy efficiency improvements
  • Structural seismic improvements
  • Solar panels
  • Electric car charging stations
  • Double glazed windows

The Superbonus, substitutes the Ecobonus and the Sismabonus.

Check out now how to renovate your home for FREE.
Superbonus 110% | Restore your house for free in Italy | tax break in Italy | Ecobonus | Sismabonus | energy efficiency improvements | seismic improvements


Who can qualify?

​The following taxpayers can benefit of the Superbonus:
  • Condominiums
  • Individuals
  • Associazioni Sportive Dilettantistiche (amateur sports associations)

NON RESIDENTS can also qualify for such tax break.

​Any qualifying expenditure will attract the tax credit as long as it has been paid from July 1st 2020 to December 31st 2021.

Qualifying Expenditures

There are various qualifying expenditure and the total cap varies based on the type of works performed. Here the comprehensive list:

Insulated coating expenditure (external coating, floor insulation) cap is  € 50.000 per house unit, reduced to  € 40.000 per unit if the unit is located in a condominium.

If you live in a condominium, the centralized heating system attracts a tax credit capped at € 20.000 per house unit as long as the condominium has 8 units or less; € 15.000 if the condominium has more than 8 units.

It is possible to benefit of the 110% Superbonus tax credit capped at € 30.000.

The Seismic structural improvements has been existing for few years; now this bonus has been included in the Superbonus attracting a 110% tax credit.
The cap for such expenses is € 96.000 per house unit.

In order to benefit of such tax credits you must own a property in a qualifying municipality, as well as improve its seismic responsiveness of at least one category.

Superbonus 110% | Restore your house for free in Italy | tax break in Italy | Ecobonus | Sismabonus | energy efficiency improvements | seismic improvements

Connected qualifying expenses

The following expenses do not automatically attract the 110% tax credit, however if they are linked to one of the previous expenses, it is possible to extend the Superbonus to such expenses.
  • E-cars charging station
  • Solar panels installation
  • Other energy efficiency improvements​

How does that work?

Just like every other tax break, the qualifying expenditure is multiplied by the coefficient set by the law (i.e. 110%). The tax credit will offset the IRPEF payable for 5 consecutive tax years.

Should you insulate your detached home, spending € 50.000, you can benefit of a € 55.000 tax credit (€ 50.000 x 110%) to be deducted in 5 years, hence € 11.000 per year​.

While filing your taxes, you must include your expenses in your tax return, thus resulting in a tax credit to be refunded. Anyway, what happens if your gross tax is less than € 11.000?

Unfortunately, the unused tax credit is wasted.

Professionals sworn statement

In order to benefit of the tax credit, you are required to obtain a SWORN STATEMENT:
  • visto di conformità (accounting statement) in regards to the appropriate accounting and tax documentation. This is released by a Certified Accountant (Dottore Commercialista).
  • l’asseverazione tecnica (technical opinion) certifying the energy efficiency improvements, the seismic responsiveness improvements, as well as the expenses adequacy. This is released by a Certified Engineer

Failure to acquire ANY of the two above sworn statements, automatically disqualifies you to benefito of the tax credit as well as trading it​.

The sworn statement related expenses are also deductible at 110%!

How can I trade the tax credit?

The decree allows the taxpayer to trade the tax credit to:
  • Contractors
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Third parties resident in Italy

Should you trade your tax credit to your contractors, the contractor must discount the tax credit value in the invoice raised, reducing the amount payable.

If the qualifying expenditure falls within the maximum cap, your invoice payable is € 0.

Alternatively, you can trade the credit to a Bank or any other financial financial institution which will pay directly the taxpayer. This approach requires the taxpayer to advance the whole expenses, whilst the first approach does not require to advance any payment.

​The tax credit can be sold either partially or in full​.

What is the best thing to do?

As usual there is not a one fits all solution; the best course of action depends on your personal tax situation.

First of all, you have to make sure that you pay enough gross income tax to deduct the tax credit via your tax return.

You then need to evaluate the best offer from your contractors as well as the financial institutions.

Non residents normally prefer to opt for the tax credit trade.

Superbonus 110% | Restore your house for free in Italy | tax break in Italy | Ecobonus | Sismabonus | energy efficiency improvements | seismic improvements

How can Accounting Bolla help you

Our tax advisors and Engineers team will help support you in each stage:
  • Renovation evaluation and estimation
  • Tax strategy
  • Sworn statement
  • Annual Tax return


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